TEP in English
Technology for Life NGO (TEP) - Join us
Technology for Life (TEP) is a Finnish NGO. We are a group of people working in the field of technology or people who are interested in the effects of technology to the society and environment.
The aims of TEP are:
- to promote the use of technology that improves the conditions of living of mankind, increases justice and strengthens peace
- to enhance the ethical awareness of people working in the field of technology
- peace and disarmament issues
- renewable technologies (see e.g. Solar Cooker Information)
- global equality
Technology for Life co-operates with other professionals, peace groups and other organisations in the field of technology. TfL published a book in Finnish titled Environmental risks, circular economy and climate wars in 2017 written by Antero Honkasalo. Now you can read the extended abstract of the book in English.
Join us and become a member by paying an annual membership fee. In 2025, the membership fee is:
- Full member 30 euros
- Student 15 euros
- Unemployed 15 euros
- Supporting member 50 – 500 euros
Membership fee account (IBAN): FI53 8000 1101 4723 49
- Mark as the recipient of the payment: TEP ry
- REMEMBER to enter your mailing address and email address in the Message field
TEP operates with membership fees, which we use to organize events and activities, such as popular solar cooker courses. Thank you and welcome to become a member!
Contact information
Tekniikka elämää palvelemaan - Tekniken i livets tjänst r.y. (TEP, Technology for Life)
Business ID (Finland): 1899339-7
Mailing address: Technology for Life,Neulapadontie 4 B 15, FI-00920 HELSINKI, FINLAND
Phone: 044 521 0359 (chairman), 040 563 6628 (vice chairman)E-mail: hallitus( AT )tekniikkaelamaapalvelemaan.fi
- Chairman: Jouko Niemi
- Vice chairman: Ilkka Norros